This is an "Invitation" to a new song by We Are Overlap the band.
This song is truly an invitation to the listener. An invitation into the actuality of silence. We name everything we sense. Yes, it is...
We are the producer and the film in this 24 hour cinema song from we are overlap
Most of us live as if we're watching a movie. But there is a place between silence and sound that is actual. Where one is watching what...
This Song Was Made to Melt You from We Are Overlap.
This song was written to melt one's idea of 'now,.
Living on a 'Minimum Rage' video up by We Are Overlap
This song is about no longer being a slave to what we call society. We wrote this song with a simple message...stop being a slave. From...
How the breath helped me in balancing a stroke, Aphasia and AIDS.
Being aware of the the depth and pace of the breath was and is integral to balancing and stabilizing the nervous system. By letting it...