This is an "Invitation" to a new song by We Are Overlap the band.
This song is truly an invitation to the listener. An invitation into the actuality of silence. We name everything we sense. Yes, it is...
We are the producer and the film in this 24 hour cinema song from we are overlap
Most of us live as if we're watching a movie. But there is a place between silence and sound that is actual. Where one is watching what...
Not just Fairytales and Spiderwebs here new song from We Are Overlap the band
Fairytales and Spiderwebs This song is about a person arguing with themselves. Spinning in a web. There is no web. Thinking there is a...
We Are Overlap - The Everything-ness of this Love (Official Video)
This song is about being free from our conditioning. The Everything-ness of this Love Just a wave on the great sea of creation. Not...
Listen to We Are Overlap on Radio
Check us out on The Radio We are excited to share our songs with through this awesome online internet radio.
We Are Overlap - Dripping (Official Video)
This is a song about forcing one's natural creativity into a collective. One where the creators cannot fit. It's based on the insecurity...