What a WILD RIDE this IS.
Here is an ad for an upcoming new song, Wild Ride.
Wild Ride
Wild Ride…
Feeling the power on the inside
Spreading thelove on the outside
Everybody’s on the wild ride
The Wild Ride
Wild Ride
You can feel it when the pain dies
Shining out into the blue skies
Everybody’s on the wild ride ride
The wild ride
The wild ride

I watch the blossoms fall in Spring
Hear them sing
As they call my name
Before they land to begin again
My eyes tear fill with the lack of fear
On the eternal journey
One without a care
To begin again tomorrow, again
Begin again tomorrow
A journey without end
A journey without end
Wild ride
You can see it when the greed dies
Giving love as your heart flies
Everybody on a wild ride
A wild ride
A wild ride
Wild ride

I was just a kid
Crashing through its life
A train off its tracks
But never looking back
But never looking back
But never looking back
Wild ride
Now we take it to the other side
On the wings of eternal life
Everybody on the wild ride
The wild ride
The wild ride
Wild ride
Through the lows and through the highs
And all that blooms, and all that tries
The sweet hellos and tough goodbyes
Everybody on the wild ride
Through the lows
And through the highs
And all that blooms
And all that tries
The sweet hellos
And tough good byes
Everybody on the wild ride
Through the lows
And through the highs
And all that blooms And all that tries
The sweet hellos
And tough good byes
Everybody on the wild ride
I watch the blossoms fall in Spring
Hear them sing
As they call my name
Before they land to begin again
My eyes are filled with joy, not fear
Seeing clearly now
Without a care
To begin again tomorrow